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Information for Families

What is KidsFirst NORTH?

KidsFirst NORTH is a free, voluntary program that helps families to become the best parents they can be and to have the healthiest children possible. KidsFirst NORTH families receive:

  • Support from a home visitor who will provide assistance concerning child development, parenting and connecting to community.
  • Help will be provided to access services such as childcare and support groups.
  • Early learning opportunities for children.
  • Help regarding literacy, nutrition, transportation and specialized counselling services.

Parents can be part of the KidsFirst NORTH Program before the birth of their children. They can benefit from prenatal support and nutrition programs, as well as from the home visitor’s support.

Upon admission to the KFN program you will have the opportunity to meet with our Mental Health Support Worker (where applicable) - participation is voluntary, but we encourage you to build supports in your Community.

You and Your Home Visitor

Your Home Visitor will be introduced to you following your assessment to determine eligibility for the program. Her job is to be a support to you. She will visit you often and help you with any questions or concerns you may have about your child. She will help you to learn to use community services you need, such as child care, pre-school programs for your child, health services, and transportation. She will respect your wishes and help you to build on your strengths to address your family’s needs.


Everyone in the KidsFirst NORTH Program has the right to privacy:

  • Anything discussed between you and your home visitor or a KidsFirst NORTH counsellor is private and confidential. It may be discussed with program staff on a need-to-know basis so that the visit is to be most helpful to you.
  • Written records are confidential. You may request to see a copy of you KidsFirst NORTH records at any time in the office.
  • Information about you will not be shared outside the program without your written permission. If you and your home visitor or counsellor decide that information about you should be shared outside the KidsFirst NORTH Program, you will be asked to sign a form stating that you agree to the sharing of information.
  • The law requires that information be shared without your consent when KidsFirst NORTH Staff have reason to believe a life is in danger, a child is in need of protection, or when the courts issue a subpoena. If possible, your Home Visitor will discuss such a situation with you prior to making a report and will work with you to change the situation.

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